Physical FItness Test......Aku Tak Terdaya!!!

salam to all readers..english or malay?..ok...aku pilih bahasa kebangsaan n kebanggaan rakyat malaysia...*erkkkkk...patriotik lak..ting tong makkk!

kisah nye bermula mcm ni...di zaman dahulu kala...Wujudnya satu wilayah yg dikenali sbg...zzzZZzzzz.....
xde maknenye aku nk bersastera kt sinih!~~wat pening kepala aku je nk karang ayat puitis2 bagai...hish!~direct to the point sudehh....

kesah nye mcm ni...4 Dec ni aku ade ptandingan erobikton kt cheras..korg taw x amende erobikton ni?..erobikton ni kira mcm erobik biasa yg korg wat tu cuma bezanya kitorg bereobik selama 2 jm lebih tanpa henti~~~erk??seyes??ade ke manusia blh thn tuh?lama gileeeee.....ade...xkan la xde rehat2 kjp ke...?...ok..rehat tu ade rr...cuma rehat tu utk minum air n tukar presenter up lebih kurang 5 menit je...fuhh!~gila penat wa ckp sama lu......

sbb tu r unit sukan UTM ni nk wat physical fitness test r kt kitorg yg nk wakil UTM nih..alkesahnyer......

jap nak quote msg instruktor DIVA Kak Cha jap...
"salam semua en muklisin minta semua peserta aerobikton berkumpul scpt mgkn ntok menjalani fitness test
(haha nasib korangla) sbb pengarah nakkan lapuran segera atlit aerobikton utm...sila contac en muklisin ye...tq.."-uneditted^^

kak cha ni..nk eja laporan pn nk bergaya2 jgk...hahaha..lucu je bla aku baca...

part semak ejaan org tu aku skip..byk lg ejaan yg nk d perbetul kt ats tu...hehe~
*ejaan aku pn xde bezanya*tunggang langgang lg ade*

at first aku x ambek kesah sgt yg part (haha nasib korangla) tu..igtkn kak cha saje je nk wat gimik ke ape ker....skali aku mengalaminye dgn tubuh bdn ku yg x seberape iniii...!!~~fuh!~~meletttooooppp thp gaban punye penat!

first test..sit n reach..alaa...bkn mcm ko ddk bersila ke ape..ko lunjur kaki ko kt satu sudut..then ko cuba capai sejauh mana ko boleh..kt dpn tu ade pita pengukur~~<--hahaha!!..mcm lucu je.."pita pengukur" tu... x nmpk lg?.. ni gambor cth nyerrr...

punya la sakit blkg wat mende alah nih..ko cb bygkn..ko dh la lama x bersenam bagai..xde warm up segala...tetiba je trus wat mende alah ni..x ka naiya nama nya tuh.....terseksa batin aku time nih...menggeletar lutut nk capai jauh2...lhahahaLOL...last2 aku dpt capai dlm 13.5 cm gtu je...fuh!~at least blh capai....ade org xleh capai doh!!tu jenis yg perut ke dpn r....hahahahaLOL....

pastu..wat sit up..alaaaa..xkan sit up pn aku nk letak gmbr kot~~yg ni siku ko kena touch lutut...tu je pn xpe..dh blh kira sit up dh en muklisin ckp...xyah nk lebih2 sampai dada bagai...nnt sakit blkg~hahahaLOL..
kitorg kna wat sit up dlm masa 1 minit...ko cuba la!~blh ke x ko wat byk2?..aku buat lps 20 je segala lengan siku bahu smua begegar..hahahaLOL...last2..lps aku gigihkn semangat...ecehhh...dpt la 30 sit up dlm masa 1 menit tuh..........gila cram perut dow!~~

lps tu..wat push up..........alamak!~aku wat 10 je pon dh kena wat dlm 1 menit lak...mampos aku......bla dh start...jeng jeng jeng!~masalah!hahaha....5 push up yg pertama..ok~no problem...skali bila masuk belas2~~tsk tsk tsk!~aku rasa tgn aku mcm nak tanggal dh!~sampai skrg pn msh ade rasa lg..rasa mcm tgn aku ni bkn aku yg punya....berat semacammmmm je...hahahaLOL..padan muka!sapa suruh mls nak workout??padahal smua kmudhn dh ada..tinggal nk guna je..............padan muka!

then, 30 meter sprint run...hahahahaLOL...yg ni bila aku kenang balik...tegelak aku! blh pulak aku tergolek jatuh masa launching!~hahahahaLOL...trus cover line....kasut licinnnn....ahakz!pdhl cover malu~~then,aku rest kjp....lutut injured................
then kak sa lak yg wat...skeetttt lg nk dia truskn je...
bla smua dh wat, turn aku lak...aku xnak wat mcm launch yg btol2 pya..wat cm besa2 je...dpt la 3.64 s....not bad la.....hehehe~

time ni..jantung aku dh dup dap dup dap~~kejutan budaya muscle2 aku hr ni...mana x nya..sebln x bersenam tetiba je trus wat physical test!kompem r fail!~~hahahaLOL

last skali 30m multistage shuttle run..yg ni mcm mn nk eksplen ek...hmmm...ok..situasi nye mcm ni...ko tggu bunyi "beep" then ko lari smpai hujung b4 "beep" lg 1 bebunyi...then, bila "beep" lg...lari balik sampai hujung n make sure sblm "beep" strsnya...30 meter u'olz...ulang alik~~fuhh!terangkattttt~~~~

first stage je lutut dh wat problem...sakit jatuh td x elok lg...aku lari la terhencot2 sikit....xpe..baru level 1...level 1 ok lg.....semangat kuat lg...level 2...ok~~level 3 so so....time ni la tali kasut nak tebukak bagai kn~...klu brenti nk ikat trus disqualified...then level 4...yg ni aku dh ampus giler!~aku rasa mcm jantung aku berdegup kt telinga aku je time ni...dup dap dup dap dup dap...kuatttt sgt~

level 4 no. 7 aku surrender...ikat kasut...time ni aku rasa mcm Health Power(HP) aku kena sedut..drain habis nyawa aku~~trus aku lemah...pucat..renjun trus baju aku...time ni r aku rasa mcm nk muntah2 n rasa mcm nk pitam...aku pn jln la p toilet pelan2....sampai je kt toilet black out kjp....fuh! nasib baik aku pegang sinki tu..kalau x..collapse kt lantai jamban la aku td!~hahahaLOL....tehuyong hayang aku kt sinki tu...tarik hembus tarik hembus nafas sampai lega sikit...then...tetiba.......BLWEKKKK~~~

aku muntah!!~~hahahahaLOL...lucunyaaaaa!!~~physical test pn aku x leh thn??tp,seyes penat giler.......xpnh aku rasa sepenat tuh!, mgkn sbb aku x ckp tdo kot...mgkn time tu bdn aku mmg dh penat lah! mlm study sampai jam 130 pagi..then smbong online smpai pkol 2 lbh..pastu xleh tdo kena bgn awal sbb ada ppr...tu yg aku dok post kt FB ting tong ting tong tuh!~~mmg ting tong aku study kimia fizik tu...kimia kinetik n elektro kimia k~~~~~~

lps tu..mmg aku xleh rasa tgn aku sndiri dh...berat je rasa tgn nih...kaki pn xleh nk bengkok sgt...lutut injured...mmg aku x sangka physical test blh jd seteruk ini!!~~hahaha...trus aku tya ngn en muklisin..."sape pencipta bnda alah ni??"...physical test ni lah!~~"entah" je jwpn dia...

pastu pkol 5 ada erobik kt krp lak..aku mntk excuse..jd pemerhati je...sbb lutut injured....hehe~~then, bla part muscle conditioning baru aku joint...nak regang2kn balik otot2 yg tekejut td tu...hehe...buat je muscle conditioning....satu bdn begegar...hahahaha!~~xpe2...buat je..demi keshtn...then, skang kureng skit la sakit2 bdn ni....klu x..aku rasa terus pengsan aku kt atas katil nih.....kepenatan yg teramat sgt!~xpnh aku rasa sepenat tu dlm hidop aku...even aku bererobik 2 jam lebih pn x sepenat physical fitness test tu....fuh!~~nasib baik x ke ICU...hahahaLOL...

then,lps erobik...sbg balasan kt bdn2 aku yg kepenatan ni..g 1 restoran yg unik...masok restoran tu bukak kasut...then,dudok besila u'olz!~~first time ada experience mcm tu...hehehe...enjoy!~order nasik ayam penyet........sdp nasik dia...smbal dia pn,x mampu menampong perutku yg kelaparan ini....hehehe......sgla tulang2 aku telan...ranguppp......
restoran tu sebaris ngn restoran bibik...kt dpn gym...tau kn?...kt situ ler...

balik kak appa yg hntr...

balik je bilik trus nk update blog...nak story2 pasal kepenatan yg teramat amat penat,kwn aku ajak p libry...tu yg tergendala nk meng-update blog tu...hehe....syukur alhamdulillah dh ter-update dh.....

untill next time~~c u!

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Cuti lagi~~~~~+ Selamat Hari Raya Aidiladha in ADVANCE!~

salaam to all readers and good day mate!~

although it's a bit rainy outside...that's don't's a bless from Him to His subjects...
the "special break" is here!!! glad it's holiday AGAIN!~ last week was an exam week but also a holiday week for me!hehe~~it's a bless for being a final year student actually..i can have a three weeks holiday!~~hehe...*buat cuti sendiri*... so, UTM is in "silent mode"...the roads have no sounds of motor vehicles...the faculty is like a haunted left building...selince is everywhere.....

while others may have enjoy their festive with family members yet some of us celebrate Eid Adha with friends here in UTM...even worse...there are might be a loner this Eid...*let's hope none*
i, am one of those whom could not make it to celebrate the celebration with family members is every mans hope..but still..i have friends along....deep inside me feels sad though....

but not that sad...hehe~

this time i'd like to share a bit about the history of Eid Adha...some may have know this years ago..but some might forgot about the detail information...just a bit..sharing is caring!~hehe:)


the history of Eid Adha/Hari Raya Qurban is related to the Nabi Ibrahim/ Abraham and his beloved son Nabi Ismail/ Ishmael... Nabi Ibrahim was born in the day that was all newborn boy baby must be killed, orders from the tyrant king Nimrod bin Canaan...this was an age of where people worshipped stones..."zaman jahilliah"... Nimrod was told by his astrologer that

"There will be born among your subjects a boy who will cause your power to come to an end."

but ALLAH saved him... During his childhood, he was eager to find the truth until one night, while he was observing the sky, Ibrahim noticed a particular star. "This is my God" he said but when it set, he said "I do not love that which fades". after the same experience with the moon and sun, Ibrahim announced.

"I will turn my face to Him who has created the heavens and the earth, and live a rightous life, I am no idolater"
[Surah al-An 'am: 75-79]

when Ibrahim became a prophet, he called the people to worship one God, ALLAH but they all refused, including his own father. one day, when his father and the other people were away, Ibrahim took an axe and broke all the stone idols in the temple except the biggest one. when the peoples discovered this, they asked Ibrahim, "Who has done this?" asked one of the people and Ibrahim replied "Why do you even worship things which can't even talk, move or understand?" the peoples were furious, very angry and tried to kill him be setting him on fire. BUT ALLAH SAVED HIM AGAIN...

later he travelled to Syria, Palestine and Egypt... Prophet Ibrahim had two wives named Siti Sarah and Siti Hajar. his first child was Ismail from his wife Siti Hajar. then he had a son Ishak from his wife Siti Sarah.

The Journey to Mecca
when his beautiful son Ismail was born to his wife Siti Hajar, Ibrahim was instructed by Allah to leave his home, taking Siti Hajar and Ismail with him. they travelled for a long time until they reached a lonely, barren valley near two small hills called Safa and Marwah, a place we now know as Mecca. in those days the Mecca was a dry, desolate, and barren place. Ibrahim was order to leave his wife and child there, providing them only a leather bag containing some dates and water-skin.

Ibrahim started walking back, Siti Hajar followed him and saying "Where are you going, leaving us behind in this valley where there is no living being or anything else?". she repeated that question many times, and Ibrahim did not give any reply to her. then she asked again "Has ALLAH commanded you to do this?" He replied "Yes". then Siti Hajar said to him "Then, He will not let us be destroyed here." saying this, she returned to where he had left her.
Ibrhim went on until he came to narrow pass of a mountain where be could hardly be seen by them. he stopped there and faced the direction of the sacred house, raised his hands and invoke this prayer.

"Our God! I have settled some of my offspring in a valley without any cultivation, by your Sacred House, Our God! So they may establish regular prayers. So make the hearts of people yearn towards them, an provide them with sustenance that they may be grateful"
[Surah Ibrahim: 37]

The Discovery of The Well of Zamzam
after a while, little baby Ismail began to cry for a water to drink. Siti Hajar ran helplessly from one hill to another (Safa and Marwah hills) seven times to look for water to drink. she collasped beside her baby Ismail and prayed to God for deliverance.

Ibnu Abbas narrated that the Prophet (peace be upon him) said: "That is the origin of walking between these two mountains."

distance of Safa and Marwah Hills

Safa ang Marwah hills

then, ALLAH caused a miracle: a spring gushed forth from beneath the feet of Ismail. Known as The Well of Zamzam.

The Well of Zamzam

The depth of The Well of Zamzam

source of the water

A Speacial Dream
when Ibrhim migrated from his land and people, he asked ALLAH to grant him a pious son and ALLAH gave him glad tidings of pious son, named Ismail. Ismail was his first-born son, and he was born after Ibrahim had reached the aged of sixty-six years old. when Ismail grew to be fine young boy (13 years old), Ibrahim (99 years old) had a dream that he was being commanded to sacrificed him. he talked to his son, Ismail about this dream.

"Ibrahim said: "O my son! I see in a dream that I offer you in sacrifice, so tell me what is your view?" [Surah al Soffat:102]

but his son was a brave boy and he said to his father

"O my father! Do as you are commanded, you will find me, if ALLAH so wills, one of patient" [Surah al-Soffat:103]

during the preparation, satan (syaitan) tempted Ibrahim and his family by trying to dissuade them from carrying out God's commandment, and Ibrahim and Ismail drove satan away by throwing pebbles at him. In commemoration of their rejection of satan, stones are thrown during Hajj. (Melontar Jamrah)

when both father and son had shown their perfect obedience to ALLAH and they had practically demonstrated their willingness to sacrifice their most precious possessions for His sake - Ibrahim by laying down hsi son Ismail patiently under the knife - ALLAH called out to them stating that his sincere intentions had been accepted, and that he need not carry out the killing of Ismail. instead, Obrahim wa told to replace his on with a ram to sacrifice instead.
a ram

ALLAH also told them that they had passed the test imposed upon them by his willingness to carry out God's command.
As a reward for this scrifices. ALLAH granted Ibrahim the good news of the birth of his second son Ishak.

Building The Ka'bah
Ibrahim and his son Ismail were asked to build the House (Ka'bah) and gave them guidance on how they should carry it out. they took stone from nearby hills and started to work.

Ibrahim prayed for this noble land and its inhabitants:

"And when Ibrahim and Ismail raised the foundation of the House, praying: Our God! Accept this from us, surely, You are the All Hearing, All Knowing. Our God! Make us submit to your Will, and raise from our offspring a nation which wil submit to Your Will, and show us the place of our rites (for pilgrimage) and turn to us in mercy."
[Surah al-Baqarah: 127-128]

they also prayed for the prophet to be born from among them, from their own people, who could teach them about ALLAH. their prayer was answered, a prophet was sent to them. His messeges for all people, regardless of the language that they spoke and no matter what colour they were. His name was Muhammad (peace be upon him). Muhammad was from the descendants of Ismail. he was the Seal of all Prophet and the final Messenger from ALLAH to all of humanity.

The First Invitation to Pilgrimage (Hajj)
Ibrahim was ordered by ALLAH to purify the Ka'bah for those who came to worship, and to call people to pilgrimage. today, millions of people come every year to answer to the original call of Prophet Ibrahim and Prophet Muhammad saw. since then, all Muslims from every part of the worls are obliged to perform pilgrimage once in a life time provided that their means and health permit them.

ibadah korban dilakukan bg mengingati peristiwa Nabi Ibrahim dan Nabi Ismail

i hope that you find this article is very useful for you readers.. thanks for all your support and last but not least



from me....Mohd Musa Bin Mahidi and Family.
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Cam Whorin'~

ok..salaam to all readers..good day mate!~

actually, dh byk kali aku try nk update aku nye blog hajat x kesampaian sbb intrnet nyer cnnction mcm aram!~

ni aku online kt bilik c walton ni..hehe~~nasib bek cnnctivity laju..blh la aku meng-update blog ku yg x sbrpa nk di baca org ni~~hahahaLOL...

smlm my friends n i g jln2 mkn angin around jb..p men bowling tp x bwk stoking!hahahaLOL..then,ngelabah la p carik stoking d metro jaya kt danga city mall tu..lucu..lucu..sambil2 tu,bookmark baju2 yg lawa...nnt dtg balik g tapau bwk balik!!~~hahaha!~~tp,smua stoking yg mhl2 yg kitorg jmpa..time tu baru la mmerlukan uncle yg jual stoking 5 rm10 tuh..haha..then,kmi pn surrender laa sbb x uma stoking yg berkenan di hati...naik je la kt atas tu...nak xnak byr je la rm2 utk stoking pakai buang~~~~~hehe~~

ntah knp,mlm tu skill aku ke laut!~x cecah 100 pn hndcp aku!~dh la bola dia wat saki tgn...lg best men kt daiman bowl kt jhr jaya tuh..bola sdp lane x senget...*tau2 je lane tu senget ke x*akaka!~~ lg 1,mlm tu smua men pakai nama pasangan n scandle masing2~~hahaha....sylvia je yg pakai nama sndiri...................

then,p ngeteh d ss, danga bay...mengisap......shisha~~hahaha...ktorg tkejut sbb dh x blh mix perisa dh..igtkn nk order coke n tu pn.."hah?air coke?!"..hahahahahaha...then, end up with mix fruit falvour.....blh thn la.....mkn2 mcm biasa.....

lps prut pnh..gigihkn dr jln2 kt danga bay even hujan renyai.....cuci2 mata kt org..hehe..then, we end up kt jeti kapal..sbnrny x plan pn nk wat "photoshoot" kt ctu..just ambk gmbr suka2~~~bla nmpk ke outcome gmbr tu mcm cntik je..trus..ape lg!~~ber cam whoring la kitorg kt ctu..hahaha!~

n gmbr awal2...just ambk gmbr utk suke2..yg kt bwh ni amateur nye photoshoot pakai camera 2.0 MP henfon LG aku...hahaha!~~tp, blh thn la jgk......hehe...


from left: sylvia, walton, anthea


sylvia n mush



from left: anthea, amylia, sylvia


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