Mengenali Lelaki Melalui Warna Kesukaannya

Warna pakaian yang dipilih untuk dipakai sehari-hari membawa makna sendiri, malah ada yang menyatakan bahawa manusia boleh mengubah perasaannya dan tingkahlakunya di satu-satu ketika dengan memakai warna yang tertentu. Berikut adalah makna bagi warna yang dipilih untuk dipakai:

1. Putih
Melambangkan kesucian dan dan kesegaran. Ia simbol seseorang yang ingin memulakan hidup baru. Ia adalah ibarat kain kanvas yang menunggu lakaran seorang artis. Ia juga melambangkan kebersihan dan kebolehan profesional.

2. Merah
Melambangkan tenaga fizikal. Dari segi kebaikannya dia melambangkan bahawa pemakainya dapat menyelesaikan kerja-kerjanya. Aspek negatifnya ia melambangkan bahawa pemakainya memaparkan paksaan dan keagresifan. Merah juga berkait dengan tenaga seksual, juga kemarahan.

3. Merah Jambu
Ia adalah campuran merah dan putih. Ia melambangkan sifat kewanitaan. Ia juga melambangkan cinta, kelembutan dan juga perasaan.

4. Oren
Warna ini adalah campuran merah dan kuning. Ia adalah lambang kekuatan kerana ia menggabungkan tenaga fizikal dan daya mental. Warna ini melambangkan pencapaian dan pembelajaran tetapi ia dianggap warna yang amat kuat dan pelik bagi sesetengah orang.

5. Kuning
Ini adalah warna tenaga mental dan berkait dengan pencarian intelektual dalam berbagai bidang. Ia adalah warna yang baik untuk sesiapa yang cuba berfikir dan menumpukan perhatian terhadap sesuatu, tetapi bagi setengah orang ia dianggap warna yang memaksa. Ada juga yang mengaitkan kuning dengan sikap pengecut.

6. Hijau
Warna ini adalah kombinasi kuning dan biru. Ia dianggap warna alam. Ia berkait dengan pertumbuhan dan pembaikan dan dianggap warna yang baik untuk mereka yang bekerja dengan benda-benda hidup dan yang menolong atau mengubati orang lain. Sekiranya anda sakit, adalah baik memakai warna hijau kerana ia menolong tubuh untuk mengubati diri. Ia juga warna yang baik untuk berehat dan menenangkan fikiran. Warna hijau dikaitkan dengan cemburu.

7. Unggu.
Ini adalah warna peningkatan spiritual dan tanda memahami apa yang tersembunyi. Orang yang memakai warna ini dikatakan mempunyai pengetahuan khas dalam bidang kerohanian.

8. Hitam
Ia adalah warna yang melambangkan dukacita dan ketakutan. Ia juga meambangkan sifat sofistikated dan boleh menyesuaikan diri.

9. Coklat
Ia tanda banyak wang. Ia juga tanda pengasih dan punya prospek masa depan. Jika mahu banyak wang ada yang menyarankan agar memakai warna coklat.

10. Warna campuran
Jika lelaki itu memakai warna campuran, maka perahtikanlah warna-warna itu dan buat interpretasi berdasarkan warna-warna asasnya.

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ini terdapat pelbagai ubatan dicipta berasaskan kajian saintifik untuk merangsang dan mengaktifkan sel-sel otak. Walau bagaimanapun, kita perlu berhati-hati dengan remedi seumpama ini yang banyak terdapat di pasaran. Ubatan dari sistem perubatan Homeopathy dan biokimia adalah yang paling selamat digunakan. Walaupun kesannya kadang - kadang agak perlahan tetapi ianya memang efektif.

Antara ubatan Homeopathy dan Biokimia untuk kekuatan mental :

Ada kombinasi zat garam biokimia yang dihasilkan oleh Professor Dr. Schuessler untuk kesihatan dan kecerdasan otak. Ubat ini amat sesuai digunakan oleh orang - orang yang lemah fikiran, pemalas, pelupa, letih, susah mengingati sesuatu, kerap sakit kepala, pening kepala, takut - takut, lambat memahami sesuatu yang dibicarakan, tension, rungsing, susah tidur, tekanan jiwa, perasaan berdebar - debar dan darah gemuruh.

Ubat-ubat ini digunakan selepas mendapat nasihat doktor Homeopathy.

Menguatkan fungsi-fungsi saraf, mengatasi masalah daya ingatan, daya fikiran dan sakit kepala apabila cuba menumpukan pada sesuatu perkara. Baik untuk pelajar-pelajar dan pekerja yang banyak menggunakan mental.
Kandungan : Anarcadium 30, Gelsemium, Kalium Phosphoricum 30, Acid Phosphoricum 30

Merangsang dan membesarkan tisu-tisu di bahagian memeri di dalam otak untuk mengatasi kelupaan.
Kandungan : Barium Chloratum 30, Calcaria Iodatum 30, Phosphorus 30.

Memulihkan keletihan saraf dan memberi tenaga yang merangsangkan stamina untuk membaca atau berfikir dalam jangkamasa yang lama.
Kandungan : Acid Phosphoricum 30, Lecithin 12, Oleander 30, Ferrum Phosphoricum 12.

Membantu membentuk sel-sel dan tisu-tisu saraf dan tulang yang baru. Sesuai untuk wanita yang mengandung untuk mendapat cahaya mata yang cerdas dan sihat.
Kandungan : Calcaria Phosphoricum 6x, Kalium Phosphoricum 6x, Magnesium Phosphoricum 6x, Natrium Phosphoricum 6x.

more tips tomorow...

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Bantal Pamer Perwatakan!

Bantal Pamer Perwatakan!

Tahukah anda watak kita dapat dikenali melalui cara kita
menggunakan bantal sewaktu tidur? Terdapat beberapa ketegori bantal
dan perwatakan..

1)Memeluk Bantal

Mereka yg suka memeluk bantal biasanya berjiwa seni.Mereka mempunyai
penghargaan yg tinggi terhadap lukisan,muzik dan satera.Perasaan mereka halus dan jiwa mereka romantik.Kadangkala ada yg boleh membaca peristiwa yg akan berlaku melalui mimpi.Mrk juga sgt prihatin terhadap kesusilaan.

2)Menggunakan Banyak Bantal

Mereka biasanya kurang kenyakinan.Dalam kehidupan seharian
mereka memerlukan banyak pendamping.Mrk jarang membuat keputusan
sendiri,sebaliknya mendapatkan pandangan orang lain.

3)Tidur Dengan Satu Bantal

Mrk bukan jenis mengada-ngada dan boleh menerima keadaan seadanya.Mrk
juga membuat keputusan berdasarkan fikiran dan bukan nafsu semata-mata.

4)Meletakkan Bantal Di Bawah Kaki

Mrk mempunyai sifat kurang baik.Mrk jarang bergaul dgn org ramai,kaku
dalam pergaulan. Ini menyebabkkan mrk cenderung bersifat egois.Mrk
juga gemar menempuh jalan pintas utk mencapai cita2.Mrk tdk suka usaha.

5)Tidur tanpa Bantal

Mrk memiliki sifat percaya diri yg sangat tinggi.Kadangkala sifat percaya diri ini akhirnya akan membawa kepada sifat ego.

Anda dikategori yg mana?


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The Truth About Girls

1. When a girl says she's sad, but she isn't
crying, it means she's crying in her heart.


2. When she ignores you after you've done
something wrong, it's best to give her some time
to cool down before touching her heart with an
(sayang sendiri kalu time marah, tak suka berdepan or ckp ngan org tu. tgk muka pun tak suka. so kena tunggu kool dulu, baru bleh setel)

3. A girl likes to hear compliments, but usually
is not sure how to react to them.

(hehehe... betul le tu...)

4. When a particular guy flirts with a girl very
often, a girl would start thinking the guy likes
her. So if you treat a girl just as a friend, go
easy on the smiles! and stare 'okie?

(Ingat tu...)

5. Being too serious can turn a girl off.

(betul... a bit sense of humor sgt penting)

6. When the guy she likes calls her for the
first time, the girl may act uninterested during
the call. But as soon as the phone is back on the
hook, she will whoop with joy and immediately
start telephoning her friends to spread the news.
(hehehe... betul tu. teringat first time abg call...)

7. A smile means a lot to a girl.


8. If you like a girl, try making friends with
her first. Let her get to know you.

(betul. tak suke rush untuk couple terus.)

16. If a girl says she can't go out with you
because she has to study, leave.


9. But if she still calls you or expect a call
from you, stay.


10. Don't try to guess a girl's feelings. Ask


11. Hearing the words "I love you" is a great
reassurance to a girl that she is beautiful.

(tak semestinye... tapi mungkin dia rasa yg nak dilihat cantik bg org yang dia suka)

12. After a girl falls in love with a guy, she'll
wonder why she never noticed him before.

(syg penah tanya abg kan sblm ni? hehehe... betul le tu...)

13. If you need tips on how to flirt with a girl,
read romance stories .


14. Girls love having fun!

(betul! girl's day out! bestnye....!)

15. A girl's best friends usually know best what
she is feeling and going through


16. Girls hate it when a guy pays attention to
them just to get close to their 'prettier'


17. Love means devotion, caring and happiness to!
a girl, in that order.

18. Some girls care about looks, some care about
brains, but ALL girls want a guy who will love
and care for them.


19. Girls want nothing more than to feel loved.

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BISKUT AYAM......('',)

HISTORY IN MAKING!!!akaka!!<==what's that suppose to mean?...ngee....keep reading~~~

about 2 days now my friends(patricia, valarie) and i ate in the oasis kitchen...hmmm....the menu is the same for now...but, today we've changed the menu....i bought Ayamas Drummet & kepak tengah..<==dunno what is kepak tengah at first...akaka!! i bought the drummet at Giant nearby..just a few minutes by motorbike... to the point....before i bought the drummet, i asked val.."mcm mna mau msk ni nnti?"..then she reply.."kita pakai oven la..klu tia buli periuk kn ada..kta goreng la..akaka!!"..

then, i go to buy the drummet............................................................

in the kitchen.................
after i bought the drummet, i put about 6 pieces directly into the oven in a container...<==i asked val how many to cook....

then, i cooked the drummet like i never did before..<==my first time cooking fried chicken using microwave oven....akaka!!

i simply push the auto heat button..<==written chichken...then i was shocked because it took 24 minutes!!hmm....then, we wait la!~~

only then, after the drummet cooked......we were ready to eat la....the first bite...."KKRRRROOOOOPPP!!!"..the drummet was really really really "crunchy"!!akaka!!....then we laughed like hell!!akakakakaka!!!.."punya karas itu ayam..kering suda isi isi dia..akaka!!"..but, lapar punya pasal....makan sha la...ngee~~

then, we think the name of the drummet~~biskut ayam la..ntah!sa lupa sda...actually, we mimic auntie mala..<==caretaker of this place...she also use the same method to fried chicken what!!akaka!!...but, the result was nice...but not for us...its dry!~~all the assence of the drummet was carried out by the oil.........

hmm...really really fascinating experience right?!akaka!!

orang tue2 kate...pengalaman mengajar kite....ngee~~akakaka!!

tha't all for tonight!!

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hmmmm....last thursday was my most memorable incident happened in my school. do you ever heard teacher "mogok" to students? am i going to say this...believe it or not!morning session teachers "mogok" to 4s1 students..!~~the incidents happened early in the morning..just in the first period..i dont quite remember what was the first subject..but, the point is that teacher really really mad to those gilrs~that is because of their bad manners!they talkinh all the time in the class..dont matter in what class..talllkkkiiiiiinnnngg all the time..i think only in principle's class they dont have the brave to talk in her class..she is a really strick principle..

then the next period...right after the second period i think..was PA first, the lesson going well...until.........some group of students do not participate in any games!..they talking at the side of the field....talking again..PA teacher really mad..he scolded them and told them to go back in their group...the teacher said to me.."nasib baik xde pengawas dlm tu..klu ade, sy srh pengetua lucutkn jawatan dia time tu jgk!" you can tell how mad he was?..he is reeeaaaaallllyyy mad...honestly..

next..right after the PA class....hehe~~history lesson...this time..they made the teacher mad again!..why??!!taaaaaalllkiiiiiiiiiiiingg all the time!the teacher said, "klu 2 3 org bsembang x, separuh kls besembang..especially group yg d blakang tu.."..then, she leave the class...she couldn't stand it anymore..she told them she would never teach them again..the students feels bad................

teacher did not enter the class for the whole day..this time, teachers really couldnt stand students ego...teachers said.."diorg rase dh pandai sgt..tu la diorg xmau dgr ap yg di ajar tu..."..hmmm...its true actually..some are really good..really good in chemistry though..she is the most active girl in my class..who she is? dato' siti...biarlah rahsia.....

actually, they are also talking in my class...but, how i make them shut?i smash wooden ruler on a table and shout!..."WOI!.."...then, they will stop talking....this happened last week..just before the teachers mogok to them...they are really noisy..just before i started the lab..i asked them to stop talking...but, negative........then, i shouted!"WOI!..DO U WANTS ME TO TREAT YOU LIKE GUYS??!"...then, they answered..."no sir...".."then, silence...dont make me angry...."....uUuUuU~~me, myself dont even believe what i was saying..akaka!!but, it worked...

this time..they really learned their mistake..they write letters to each teacher who teach them..for all subject teachers......including teacher said to me.."this is the first time students write us an apologies letter..i wants to keep this as a proove..."..haha!!funny....but, yes! its true...

ok la..thats all..actually, a lot more to write over here...but..i have limited time....hehe~~c u next time!

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RAS: Rakan Alam Sekitar i'm going to tell you, Kluang YB been here to lead the ceremony of planting trees in my school..waaa!~~there are a lots lots of Meranti to be planted in the whole school in Kluang, but the highlight here school is the selected school to be the program lounching avenue. hehe~~so proud! this is my second involement in school big activities..last time, camping and this time tanam pokok!akaka!~~afterwards, closing ceremony of CO2 climate change here involving form four students and one of the lecturer from USM. my school participate the campaign of climate change..together save our beloved earth..<==buat2 sendri py ayat....ngee~~

the program was started at 815 in the morning. before that, all form fur students did some "gotong-royong"..<==dunno the word in english!akaka!!shame on me.....dush!tumbuk muka sendiri....but the gotong royong started at 730 in the morning...just before the ceremony started. the involvement from other schools give more color to the audience, otherwise, all the audience are GIRLS!!akaka!~~funny thing when one students ask me..."are u a student here?"...akaka!!<==ketawa i look like a student?plus..this is a girl school.does he have no idea?..ngee....ala..dia budak skolah agama la...may be its forgivable...then, we talked while he is waiting for their Meranti...ngee~~then, when he went student asked.."sir, is that your brother?"..akaka!!this school is full with "surprises"!~~some simple question makes me wanna lough like hell!~~akaka!!then i replied...NO la...he is a boy from some other school..<==i forgot his school name actually...ngee~~

haa!~~i remember 1 know what...the principle tegor me about my t-shirt today...she said that my t-shirt is only suitable for going know what!actually, i'm wearing my Koir club t-shirt! said again, this t-shirt is suitable for style and not appropriate for school palak ku mikey!~~akaka!~~than, i have a thought...may be because of the colour of the's GREEN!..BRIGHT GREEN!~~akaka!!...and with some decoration at the bottom of it and "malam mutiara seni" written at the back of it...hmm....

now, at staff room.....a teacher asked..."muse, bdk yg sembang dgn awak td mcm adik awak la.."..i replied, "ye ke?".."ha ah.."..then, i have no idea to reply her, i said "mgkn sbb kulit sme2 gelap kot..."..then we both laugh!akaka!!..<==mcm2...i sat at my table for a tired you know~~then, i changed my shirt..i walked in the rain....luckily not heavy rain...i changed to sky blue-stripes SEED and SODA pattern jeans...ngee~~and a vase...akaka!melaram giler ari nih!!no la..because the attire is a little off size..then i wear the vase...then, its a rainy a bit cold in the staff room...ngee~~!<==alasan!akaka!~~..

in the staff room, i checked mail..and i was suprise!~~i got emel from vemmabuilder..."Your Succesline Knows No Bounds"..means that i have PE already!!~~yahoo0o0!~~i was very happy to read the, i've got 6 Pre-Enrolle....hehe~~hopefully, i'll manage to get PM (paid member) by friday..otherwise, no payment for this week...(T.T).....<==sama2 pray k!~~ngee...

i surf the internet most of the time i'm in the staff room, actually...friendster (once in a while)... but, most of the time, i open my mailbox, facebook, and myvemma......just to obtain any new update...

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