hari ni aku keboringan yang teramat..tahap dewa punya,aku pegi la selongkar aku punye brg2 time kt skolah mngh dulu2...hbs aku selongkar..sampai x nampak lantai..hahaha!skali aku bukak buku latihan n buku2 nota aku...ya ampun!!tulisan aku!!!hahaha!~~punye la huduh~~condong tang sini..condong tang sana..besar yg teramat pn ada!~~haha...bukak buku kimia..lain tulisan..buku bio lain lg..buku sejarah apa lg~~haha~~sehuduh huduhny00~~haha..mlau aku nengok tulisan aku sendiri...

lps habis bukak buku2..aku selongkar fail2 lak..exam pad yg lom hbs..giler banyak!!~~sekali aku kumpul2...dh boleh jual balik...hahaha!!lps tu...ade la jumpe keje2 jiwang aku time kt skolah dulu...nak tau...rupe2 nye aku simpan smua surat2 time skolah mngh!!!~~hahaha~~ala..bese la..bdk skolah asrama mane blh bwk henpon~~cara nye..tulis surat la...1 kelas pn nk tulis surat..hahaha~~nk cover line la kunun...huhu~~padahal slalu jumpe...huhu~~lawak yang teramat bila bukak buku balik...haha! contoh karya "jiwang" time kt skolah dulu...

Jangan mengucapkan kata-kata manis buatku
kerana aku takut akan menyayangimu...
Jangan mengambil berat akan diriku
kerana aku takut akan mengasihi dirimu...
Jangan terlalu baik padaku
kerana aku takut akan merinduimu...
Jangan menberi aku kenangan dan harapan
kerana aku takut akan jatuh cinta padamu...
Jangan menghargai pertemuan itu
kerana aku tidak mahu menderita
kerana kehilangan dirimu
lantaran perpisahan ini...

duuuuuiiiiiiii~~~~~begini rupanya aku dulu...berjiwang jiwang yang teramat!!hahaha~~siap ada "created by ..." lagi...huhu~~sbnrnya byk malas la nk tulis...takut ada org copy...huhu~~ni copyright reserved ni tauuuu~~haha...ok ni faberet aku..sampai sekarang aku masih igt...

Mengenalimu Satu Kemanisan
Mendekatimu Satu Kepayahan
Menyayangimu Satu Kemestian
Meninggalkanmu Tak Mungkin Kulakukan...

so?..amacam?...jiwang beb!!or bh la dikatakan Romantik...hahahaha!!angkat bakul la keje aku time preb mlm kt sklh dulu...bejiwang sorg2..kalo xde homework/ ujian...xde nye aku study...xpun sembang...hahaha!~~aku bkn setakat bekarya jiwang semata la karya BI yg aku suke...sgt2 suka...

Sense or No Sense ?

If the past tense of sink is sank
Then why isn't that of think, thank?
We say today we blow
Yesterday we blew
Today we glow
But yesterday we don't glew!
The past tense of drive is drove
Yet, there is deprive but no deprove
If the pas tense of stride is strode
Why isn't that of glide, glode?
If the past tense of bake is baked
And that of cake is caked
Tell me what of wake?
Oh, help me English...
You simply make no sense.....

hehe~~suka suki je aku main bahasa~~ntah..dah aku suka..suka ti r!!~~ko nk jeles watpe?..hehe....antara fevret subjek aku is BI...sgt2 suka..ntah ari ni aku nk tulis bhs rojak lak..x tau nape...bosan teramat kot..nak pikir perkataan 1 mende..nak susun ayat lg..lg la 1 hal!!hahaha...bla ade mood je aku wat BI...

ada lagi...bila aku bukak 1 word pad ni...tau apa aku jumpa?!!LIST NAMA POKEMON!!!!~~hahaha~~iyaaaa....dulu aku mmg kipas susah mati pokemon...sekarang pn aku msh tgk movie2 pokemon...aku suka tgk pokemon2 tu berlawan...part yg aku plg suka dlm citer pokemon is Duel..huhu~~sbb aku suka tgk pokemon tu battling...

bila kau semak balik mende2 ni...betapa banyak main nya aku dulu!~~hahaha!!~~

bla tgk kertas ujian..aku bukak la 1 1...hmm..sejarah mmg sah la~~haha..aku kureng sikit bab2 sejarah ni..tulis nota pn mcm uat karangan...main salin je dr buku...haha!~tp, ada 1 benda yg menghairankan aku...bila masa lak aku dpt 70% dlm kimia?...hahahaha!!aku pn thn bla?..hahaha...rupa2 nya ujian ptghan pggl form 4...huhu~~byk la ppr2 lps aku jumpa...macam2 adoooo~~huhu~ni rekod aku dlm subjek math...92%..huhu~~2nd highest you~...yg higest 98%...tu mmg xleh nak sangkal2 lg dah...dia ni mmg genius tahap gaban kt skolah lain dpt add math sekitar 50-60 cenggitu..dia lak..80%!bapak r!..trial dia sorg je yg dpt sume subject science tulen A1/ A2...kalo x silap..sekerat je dia dpt B3..ntah la..yg penting dia genius!!huhu~~aku?..haha...aku moderate je..dlm kelas sekitar nombor 6/ 7 cenggitu..hehe...banyak main.....hahaha!padan muka..

lps tu..aku ternampak kotak yg berbalut dgn present paper kaler pink gitu...sekali aku bukak...ya ampun!!surat cinta!!!~~~hahahahaha!!xleh blah~~dr form 1 punya surat tu!!!!dr kakak angkat..dari kakak angkat lg..dari adik angkat...dari girlfriend..ecehcehceh...lengkap!~~hahaha!!~~then aku pn terigt la zaman2 bhgia time kt skolah...sob sob sob (T.T)...rindu nya la nk g skolah balik sbb diorg dh wat renovation kt skolah tu!!tambah tugu bangunan la...air pancut pn adaaaa!!nak tengok!!~~

hish! dh melalut tahap gaban dh ni...wokeh2...nnti ade part 2 lak..hahaha!~~"kesah2 syok d zmn skolah"...hehe...

till next time!!~~

good day!!

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Yesterday before yesterday

I promise to change my life

I promise to be a kind man
I promise to forget everything past
But today why still the same?

Yesterday before yesterday
I feel so lonely
I'm with my lonely days
Maybe tpmorrow will changed my life..

Yesterday before yesterday
I do something wrong
Let it past
Just forget it..

Yesterday before yesterday
I whisper to angel
Blowing the cloud come to me
Fly the beautiful butterfly to pick up me
To the heaven in the sky
To rest with peacefully..

I'm tired rite now
so tired...
with people like to be a liar..

Good night world..
I want sleep tight tonite..
With my fairytale..:-)

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i just wanna see you.....

good day fella....

i knew it would be hard for me to accept it...but, i keep thinking...

what the heck is happening to me?ever since i met you...i couldn't take you away from my has been a week now since our last date...i wanna tell something...past few days i keep bursting tears all of sudden...even while watching tv..listening to musics and friend said that means i miss somebody..not emotionally he said..but my body react to it...i don't tell me about it..

hmm...i think i'm confuse...this feeling...urgggh!!my heart............

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good day fella!~~


as all of us know, trainee teacher aka practical teachers will ends their "service" at assigned school. what?u don't know?..ok..lemme tell ya..its four days left y'all!!...yuuhuuuuu!!~~freedom at last.....:-)...just can't wait till the day comes...

it feels like waiting for Beyonce singing on a stage...hahaha!btw, this October 25th, she will be performing in KL..so0o0...jom ramai2 memeriahkan majlis....akaka!!<==mcm la dh beli tiket...i will go actually, but only if the tickets was RM50...hahaha!!...too expensive actually...<==for a trainee teacher with no monthly income..akaka

ok..that's all for now...till next time!

leave comments if you love to..x0x0

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mushy explodes at last..

good day friends...fuh!~~what a day..

huh?..what's with the title?..hehe..ok..lets get through with it!

SMK Canossian Convent today recorded a history when a trainee teacher yelled to the students..yup!.you read it correctly...btw,it is..this cheerful charming guy finally got mad!..hahaha!!at last....i even couldn't believe it myself..all the patience i keep inside my finally explodes..haha!..lemme tell ya..they were "lucky" to see the devil side of me..i believe none of you guys have ever witness the devil side of me right?..hehe..lemme tell you guys..that would be the scariest thing you ever see about me....that will be the most memorable things about me i guess...and..may be after that you will never see me as the way i am know..a humble kind cheerful kid..hehe^^v

ok..the story..

there is one girl who really really got my nerve..she always talk back to me like i'm her friend!~~like this for example.. i asked..why do you didn't bring along your practical book?..she'll i have this subject..that subject..each subject have to bring three books..all sort of things..then i told her that at your age, i applied 12 subjects..i never complains this and that to my teacher...* answering with patience and a little bit of smile on my face*...then..she reply again..who told you to take 12 subjects?..and why are so busy body about how many subjects do we take and what we bring to school?..<=because i asked them what do they bring to class....omg..she answered my q like that?!!!...then, of course!..i was mad at her la!..i started to yell to the full blast..not yelling actually, more to screaming i guess...haha!..i yelled, when i asks you questions, answer me properly!..i am not your friend!!, in this school..i am your teacher! some respects!bla..bla..bla...i don't remember what else i screamed on her..and them, the students...^^..but, it was all about respect the eldest..teachers..friends..and everybody around...i wasted 15 minutes just for screaming and yelling at them...just about respect...human morality..and the word "don't you ever play around with me just because i'm a trainee teacher!" was clearly written on my mad devil face!...hahaha!now they know who is the boss...

fyi, all these time some of the girl, few groups actually, keep talking and playing around...joking..laughing..all the time!..when i asked answer of course!~what do you aspect?!..a bright girl with good answer?! way!~~then i told them..don't you ever try to climb over my head because i have never mad at you!~~i am your teacher!!..not your friend!!!!~~<==sambil hempas2 buku teks on the desk...and said it word by word out loud..

fuh!~~finally..the tiger is unleashed!~~i told them..after this, no excuses!..whoever didn't complete my homework, and didn't bring along text book/practical book in my class, she will stand outside of the class..berjemur kat luar!!..tak kesah la!semua berjemur pun berjemur la!!..siapa suruh tak buat homework??!!!!...only then, all of them tunduk kepala...because i know only some of you do my homeworks..!and if i check right now!..may be only about 10 of you complete the homework given!~do you want to stand outside?!!<==hempas2 buku teks lagi..hehe~^^..syiok pula marah2 durg..kih kih kih

luckily that was almost at the end of the lesson..otherwise, i have no more interest to teach...because the feeling is not there know..the passion to teach?..its not there anymore..after i got mad, there was nothing left..only the feelings to lecture them..respect..respect..respect..bla bla bla...and i told them this one story, which i creates myself of course!~~haha!~i told them, there was this one person who failed BM in spm because he didn't respect his teacher!..and even now he is still repeating spm..i that what i called "menipu yang diharuskan"..akaka!yes!otherwise they will never learn any lessons..then i you wants me to do the same thing to you?!!~after that..i can see their frightened face looking at me..sambil geleng2 kepala..tau pun!~~then, show some respect to your teacher!!...i yelled again...<==hempas2 buku...^^

a lot more "yells" i wants to share with you guys actually..but..hmmm...may be next time..if we meet..i tell full version la.haha!!but, only if you asks of course!~~ok!~~till next time!~~

leave comments if you love to..x0x0

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my life is s0o0 out of my mind~~^^

ok..hye guys!..wwe haven't met for a long time now.. update...

saturday morning is supposed to be a "bangun lewat" day to normal teenagers...but, unfortunately this normal teenager have to wake up 6 in the, saturday is supposed to be my sleep day..ahaha!means that i wake up either at 1130 a.m or afternoon..haha!!yeah.that's normal teenagers would do on Saturday or weekends right?!!..

ok..why i wake up so early that day??..omg..i have a ceramah in muar started a 8, right now i am still in kluang..attending my intern there..will be end next week on thursday october, 15..hehe~the ceramah was about "the art of teaching chemistry"...kunun..hehe..

we arrived at muar around 830 am..its was a tired 1 hour and 30 minutes of trip..fuh!~~at the moment we arrived, the others were there already..we were the last group to from kluang...well...we are the farthest group to attend the seminar actually...lolou!..

ok..i thought the lecturer who were strictly wants us to attend the seminar was there....but,wtf!..he was'nt there of course!..wasting time..he is the one who said that whoever did not attend the seminar,his/her gred will be deducted!..if A..then will be changed to A-..let me asks you..who wants that to be happened?!!...of course you don't wants that to be happened to you!..LOL!~~no choice!..i had to attend the seminar...aka paksa rela..!~~that was bullshit!..i dont accept blackmail actually.. chapter of the story..huhu..

during the seminar..hmm...simply i ejoy the content the does really help me to be better in the to be a guru contoh..hehe...

btw, i missed my friends a lot! course mate..huhu..really miss them actually..can't wait to see them again in the next semester..but, unfortunately we did'nt have much time to share stories to each other..experiences..huhu~~may be next time..everybody have plans afterwards btw..

hmm...the seminar was ended sharp at 123o noon...we had meal..its..jamuan raya they called it..haha!!they served us with beef rendang, nasi himpit, sirap..and puding...hehe..such a mouth watering dishes..btw, thx!its a feast!~~akaka

ok..then, we went back to skudai at 4 pm..before that, i took a nap..for refreshing only..i could'nt my sleepy eyes actually.akaka!!i slept for about an hour and a half..omg!..ok..its raining along the way to skudai..heavy rain..i event cannot see about 10 metres before me..such a heavy rain..huhu..we arrived safely in skudai around 545 pm..there, my friend having their practice for Battle of The Band that's evening at scc..two songs..two beautiful religious songs..huhu~~

hmm...not bad la..its was a good attempt..they have tried their best to perform the songs in front of colleagues and members of the house...lucky them..they got rm100 for consolation!~~hehe..juries comment about their performances was quit good..its increase their competitive spirits...hehe..i can tell by the way they perform their second song...but, went wrong...sob sob sob..tempo is the main problem of the further comment on that..hehe..there were five band performing their song that evening..gemuruh,what the fisch,little gift,black pepper, and the yaws..first prise goes to gemuruh, 1st runner up is little gift,2nd runner up is black pepper,3rd runner up is what the fisch,and 4th runner up is the yaws...i really enjoy the evening with them..all of the band was performing their very best to entertain the audiences..

oh..i forgot to mention that there are some friends from melaka came that friends..all of you guys really cheer up the event..although it was just for a few hours..your companion was great..i'm sorry i have'nt introduce myself properly to u guys..hehe...may b next meeting..

ok..after the botb was was really really really loud in there..akaka!!people screaming like hell..huhu~~that is just a figure of speech ea..i didn't mean it like that..hehe..after the event, all people cheering around..talking..laughing..taking pictures..videos..joking..akaka!!all of that was late at ninght when i get home that day..some are sleep at the place..huhu~~i really wants to join them actually..but, of embarrass me actually..

sleep at 1 am..and woke up at 1200 noon on sunday "morning"...hahaha!!'s movie time..preparing myself for the day..hehe..mandi segala macam tu la...then,having lunch at 4 pm at jusco bukit was oyster mee sua..hehe..the very first time i eat that kind of mee was Taiwanese..haha!!actually, there was a story before we decide to eat the mee sua..all 5 of my don't know where to have lunch..then they asked me lo..mush..mau makan d mana ni?..then i came out with sushi hut..burger king..kfc..rejected..then..they asked again..mau makan d mana ni?..then i came out with that mee sua..huhu~~then they agreed..i know actually some may b don't want to eat that mee sua..haha!!siapa suruh tanya aku!~~~hahaha!!..padan muka..

ok..its jusco bukit indah..we asked sheryn to join us..steppe and julee was there too..well..such a crowded table in the shih lin food franchise..akaka!!

shopping hour...i bought juices 1 free 1..only for rm 3.50...oh! i forgot to mention that my kek lapis imported directly from sarawak was delivered already..hehe..i miss my family so much actually..its ok..within a month..i will be home...hehe..miss u mom n dad!!..

hoho..ok thats all la for now..bye!..chow!!

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mulau..sot..sasau lolou..

ya ampun...gila lama sa tea buka sea pya blog ani...rasa mcm 2 bulan suda...maw hbs practikal suda...akaka!!

skarg ani sa maw kasi crita saja la apa yg sia rasa..apa2 ja yg terlintas sia akan kasi cerita..kalo baca untung la..sbb taw...haha


bila di kira2..ada 2 minggu lagi sia habis praktikal d skmcc ani...rasa syiok pn ada...opkos la sgt syiok..nda terkira syioknya...hahaha!!sa maw bercuti...berjoli..moginum..menigup..mengiut...haha!! smua la...

dlm masa 2 mggu ni byk maw buat..maw kjr silubus..maw update lesson plan..maw hadir ceramah itu, ceramah ini..buat kelas tambahan la yg plg sia malas ni..26 oct ni durg form 4 final baru masuk preparation of standard solution...eggjam pula sampey chapter 8..preparation of salt lae tu..fuh!!byk siot~~sabar ja la..

mggu ni pula sia rasa mcm maw marah saja..mengeluh jgn di kata la..hmpir setiap masa..bila pikir mslh..huh~~mengeluh...bila pikir apa maw buat..huh~~mengeluh lagi...n lagi...

minggu ni nama dia minggu mengeluh..

lagi 1~hari sabtu ni ada ceramah n jamuan raya d muar..o my effing god!bygkan majlis tu start jam 8..kmi ni d kluang..trip to muar pula dr sini ambil masa 1 jam 45 mnt..itu blom termasuk carik jln lg..jam lagi..kalo sesat?!naaa...dah la smua kmiurg ni tea pernah sampai muar...maw ikut exit mana pn kmi tea tau ni!~~mcm mna mau g muar?...atukoi!~~mulau o ni urg but prgrm begini...

ok..kita refresh balik...awal2 praktikal dulu..ada taklimat..n taklimat tu pla d buat t bp..bygkn kmi yg blum dpt rmh ni..kmi naik dr skudai tau!!jln jam 630 pagi!!tea pula kmi maw bising la sbb mgkn durg tea taw yg kmi ni mash ulang alik dr skudai ke kluang SETIAP HARI!!!..maw cari rmh pya pasal la!~~lolou itu urg tuan rmh..menipu saja kerja durg..bilang maw..last2 tea dpt d contact langsung!..puki babi punya tuan rmh!~~nasib baik c val ma durg GIFT pnh buat xtvt d oasis sini kluang...ada juga tmpat tinggal kami..ini pun last minit ni..ko maw tau..time tu kmiurg dah bawa beg masing2 yg besar tu maw masuk rmh sewa taw!!last2 itula..tuan rmh puki babi tu..dia tea angkat fon....hish!!...nasib tuhan syg kmi yg tea taw apa2 ni...dpt jg kmi stay d oasis..jimat juga..ada icebox..ada washing machine..ada katil..ada almari..ada meja studi..tilam bantal smua da..siap ada oven lagi...jimat...rm120 saja sewa dia...syukur... what!..buat jamuan d muar pula..kmi d kluang ni mcm mana?..kmi saja yg jd mangsa..durg lain enjoy..inda ada utak pya urg!~klu yg ada kereta tu sng la sikit..blh consider..yg teda ni mcm mana?..motor pn teda ani!~~bejalan kaki?!!budus pya manusia..!sasau lolou!~~durg bilang wajib...klo ada program d skolah cancel!~~dah la skolah sia ada hari ko-q itu hari..lg 1!!durg siap ugut lagi taw!!kalo tea hadir durg kasi trn!!..knp tea buat d jb saja?!!!baru adil..kami d kluang turun..d bp turun..yg d muar pn turun la.!!apa?..muar jauh ma jb??habis kami ni dkt ma muar???!!!!lolou!kira sama la...perjalanan kmi k jb ambil masa 1 jam 45 minit..muar ke jb 2 jam lbh..teda beza pun!~~stakat 30 minit beza pn mau bekira?..kami la yg spatutnya berkira!!..kami jln ke muar 1 jam lbh..yg d muar pula..? nothing!!.ala..skolah tu tepi jalan je...sng nampak...lolou ko!!..igt jln ke skolah tu straight jln ka??!!teda maw pusing2 stereng kiri kanan?klentit ijo mbayo...hish!!maghoh aku...durg blg..sbb penceramah dia org muar....knp?..penceramah tu tea buli k jb juga?..penceramah tu teda kreta maw k jb?..durg d bayar apa kasi ceramah!!buli beli minyak...byr tol...kami ni??!!student saja la!!!!!!!!teda duit!!!~~~~blajar pn pakai ptptn...brapa saja tu?..byr yuran..,bayar sewa..letrik...makan...maw prepare abm lg...perlu duit smua tu!!kalo buli byr pakai bulu tea pa la!!mulau!~~

dah la ada komitmen lain d jb juga..maw ke muar juga..ada kerja d skolah juga...hari yg sama ni!!!...haaaarrrrgggghhhh!!!!~~~stress!!..siapa sakap lm ni syiok ha?..teda stres pasal eggjam??atukoi!!sia lagi sanggup stress pasal eggjam o...stress eggjam baru 2-3 minggu..ini..kami...stress 3 BULAN!!..hah!! boleh lwn? rasa kalau tmbh 1 mggu lg...trus gila o sia...

sia teringin sgt maw dgr apa lae alasan durg maw buat bnda tu d muar ni....

hah...ya jak la buat masa ni..makin sia tulis makin marah pula sia rasa...nnti ada pula cigu sini kena baling laptop ma sia nnti...hish!..bikin panash saja durg ani...

dah la..chow!!

kim salam lolou ma durg yg teda utak tu!~~

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Mengenali Lelaki Melalui Warna Kesukaannya

Warna pakaian yang dipilih untuk dipakai sehari-hari membawa makna sendiri, malah ada yang menyatakan bahawa manusia boleh mengubah perasaannya dan tingkahlakunya di satu-satu ketika dengan memakai warna yang tertentu. Berikut adalah makna bagi warna yang dipilih untuk dipakai:

1. Putih
Melambangkan kesucian dan dan kesegaran. Ia simbol seseorang yang ingin memulakan hidup baru. Ia adalah ibarat kain kanvas yang menunggu lakaran seorang artis. Ia juga melambangkan kebersihan dan kebolehan profesional.

2. Merah
Melambangkan tenaga fizikal. Dari segi kebaikannya dia melambangkan bahawa pemakainya dapat menyelesaikan kerja-kerjanya. Aspek negatifnya ia melambangkan bahawa pemakainya memaparkan paksaan dan keagresifan. Merah juga berkait dengan tenaga seksual, juga kemarahan.

3. Merah Jambu
Ia adalah campuran merah dan putih. Ia melambangkan sifat kewanitaan. Ia juga melambangkan cinta, kelembutan dan juga perasaan.

4. Oren
Warna ini adalah campuran merah dan kuning. Ia adalah lambang kekuatan kerana ia menggabungkan tenaga fizikal dan daya mental. Warna ini melambangkan pencapaian dan pembelajaran tetapi ia dianggap warna yang amat kuat dan pelik bagi sesetengah orang.

5. Kuning
Ini adalah warna tenaga mental dan berkait dengan pencarian intelektual dalam berbagai bidang. Ia adalah warna yang baik untuk sesiapa yang cuba berfikir dan menumpukan perhatian terhadap sesuatu, tetapi bagi setengah orang ia dianggap warna yang memaksa. Ada juga yang mengaitkan kuning dengan sikap pengecut.

6. Hijau
Warna ini adalah kombinasi kuning dan biru. Ia dianggap warna alam. Ia berkait dengan pertumbuhan dan pembaikan dan dianggap warna yang baik untuk mereka yang bekerja dengan benda-benda hidup dan yang menolong atau mengubati orang lain. Sekiranya anda sakit, adalah baik memakai warna hijau kerana ia menolong tubuh untuk mengubati diri. Ia juga warna yang baik untuk berehat dan menenangkan fikiran. Warna hijau dikaitkan dengan cemburu.

7. Unggu.
Ini adalah warna peningkatan spiritual dan tanda memahami apa yang tersembunyi. Orang yang memakai warna ini dikatakan mempunyai pengetahuan khas dalam bidang kerohanian.

8. Hitam
Ia adalah warna yang melambangkan dukacita dan ketakutan. Ia juga meambangkan sifat sofistikated dan boleh menyesuaikan diri.

9. Coklat
Ia tanda banyak wang. Ia juga tanda pengasih dan punya prospek masa depan. Jika mahu banyak wang ada yang menyarankan agar memakai warna coklat.

10. Warna campuran
Jika lelaki itu memakai warna campuran, maka perahtikanlah warna-warna itu dan buat interpretasi berdasarkan warna-warna asasnya.

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ini terdapat pelbagai ubatan dicipta berasaskan kajian saintifik untuk merangsang dan mengaktifkan sel-sel otak. Walau bagaimanapun, kita perlu berhati-hati dengan remedi seumpama ini yang banyak terdapat di pasaran. Ubatan dari sistem perubatan Homeopathy dan biokimia adalah yang paling selamat digunakan. Walaupun kesannya kadang - kadang agak perlahan tetapi ianya memang efektif.

Antara ubatan Homeopathy dan Biokimia untuk kekuatan mental :

Ada kombinasi zat garam biokimia yang dihasilkan oleh Professor Dr. Schuessler untuk kesihatan dan kecerdasan otak. Ubat ini amat sesuai digunakan oleh orang - orang yang lemah fikiran, pemalas, pelupa, letih, susah mengingati sesuatu, kerap sakit kepala, pening kepala, takut - takut, lambat memahami sesuatu yang dibicarakan, tension, rungsing, susah tidur, tekanan jiwa, perasaan berdebar - debar dan darah gemuruh.

Ubat-ubat ini digunakan selepas mendapat nasihat doktor Homeopathy.

Menguatkan fungsi-fungsi saraf, mengatasi masalah daya ingatan, daya fikiran dan sakit kepala apabila cuba menumpukan pada sesuatu perkara. Baik untuk pelajar-pelajar dan pekerja yang banyak menggunakan mental.
Kandungan : Anarcadium 30, Gelsemium, Kalium Phosphoricum 30, Acid Phosphoricum 30

Merangsang dan membesarkan tisu-tisu di bahagian memeri di dalam otak untuk mengatasi kelupaan.
Kandungan : Barium Chloratum 30, Calcaria Iodatum 30, Phosphorus 30.

Memulihkan keletihan saraf dan memberi tenaga yang merangsangkan stamina untuk membaca atau berfikir dalam jangkamasa yang lama.
Kandungan : Acid Phosphoricum 30, Lecithin 12, Oleander 30, Ferrum Phosphoricum 12.

Membantu membentuk sel-sel dan tisu-tisu saraf dan tulang yang baru. Sesuai untuk wanita yang mengandung untuk mendapat cahaya mata yang cerdas dan sihat.
Kandungan : Calcaria Phosphoricum 6x, Kalium Phosphoricum 6x, Magnesium Phosphoricum 6x, Natrium Phosphoricum 6x.

more tips tomorow...

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Bantal Pamer Perwatakan!

Bantal Pamer Perwatakan!

Tahukah anda watak kita dapat dikenali melalui cara kita
menggunakan bantal sewaktu tidur? Terdapat beberapa ketegori bantal
dan perwatakan..

1)Memeluk Bantal

Mereka yg suka memeluk bantal biasanya berjiwa seni.Mereka mempunyai
penghargaan yg tinggi terhadap lukisan,muzik dan satera.Perasaan mereka halus dan jiwa mereka romantik.Kadangkala ada yg boleh membaca peristiwa yg akan berlaku melalui mimpi.Mrk juga sgt prihatin terhadap kesusilaan.

2)Menggunakan Banyak Bantal

Mereka biasanya kurang kenyakinan.Dalam kehidupan seharian
mereka memerlukan banyak pendamping.Mrk jarang membuat keputusan
sendiri,sebaliknya mendapatkan pandangan orang lain.

3)Tidur Dengan Satu Bantal

Mrk bukan jenis mengada-ngada dan boleh menerima keadaan seadanya.Mrk
juga membuat keputusan berdasarkan fikiran dan bukan nafsu semata-mata.

4)Meletakkan Bantal Di Bawah Kaki

Mrk mempunyai sifat kurang baik.Mrk jarang bergaul dgn org ramai,kaku
dalam pergaulan. Ini menyebabkkan mrk cenderung bersifat egois.Mrk
juga gemar menempuh jalan pintas utk mencapai cita2.Mrk tdk suka usaha.

5)Tidur tanpa Bantal

Mrk memiliki sifat percaya diri yg sangat tinggi.Kadangkala sifat percaya diri ini akhirnya akan membawa kepada sifat ego.

Anda dikategori yg mana?


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The Truth About Girls

1. When a girl says she's sad, but she isn't
crying, it means she's crying in her heart.


2. When she ignores you after you've done
something wrong, it's best to give her some time
to cool down before touching her heart with an
(sayang sendiri kalu time marah, tak suka berdepan or ckp ngan org tu. tgk muka pun tak suka. so kena tunggu kool dulu, baru bleh setel)

3. A girl likes to hear compliments, but usually
is not sure how to react to them.

(hehehe... betul le tu...)

4. When a particular guy flirts with a girl very
often, a girl would start thinking the guy likes
her. So if you treat a girl just as a friend, go
easy on the smiles! and stare 'okie?

(Ingat tu...)

5. Being too serious can turn a girl off.

(betul... a bit sense of humor sgt penting)

6. When the guy she likes calls her for the
first time, the girl may act uninterested during
the call. But as soon as the phone is back on the
hook, she will whoop with joy and immediately
start telephoning her friends to spread the news.
(hehehe... betul tu. teringat first time abg call...)

7. A smile means a lot to a girl.


8. If you like a girl, try making friends with
her first. Let her get to know you.

(betul. tak suke rush untuk couple terus.)

16. If a girl says she can't go out with you
because she has to study, leave.


9. But if she still calls you or expect a call
from you, stay.


10. Don't try to guess a girl's feelings. Ask


11. Hearing the words "I love you" is a great
reassurance to a girl that she is beautiful.

(tak semestinye... tapi mungkin dia rasa yg nak dilihat cantik bg org yang dia suka)

12. After a girl falls in love with a guy, she'll
wonder why she never noticed him before.

(syg penah tanya abg kan sblm ni? hehehe... betul le tu...)

13. If you need tips on how to flirt with a girl,
read romance stories .


14. Girls love having fun!

(betul! girl's day out! bestnye....!)

15. A girl's best friends usually know best what
she is feeling and going through


16. Girls hate it when a guy pays attention to
them just to get close to their 'prettier'


17. Love means devotion, caring and happiness to!
a girl, in that order.

18. Some girls care about looks, some care about
brains, but ALL girls want a guy who will love
and care for them.


19. Girls want nothing more than to feel loved.

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BISKUT AYAM......('',)

HISTORY IN MAKING!!!akaka!!<==what's that suppose to mean?...ngee....keep reading~~~

about 2 days now my friends(patricia, valarie) and i ate in the oasis kitchen...hmmm....the menu is the same for now...but, today we've changed the menu....i bought Ayamas Drummet & kepak tengah..<==dunno what is kepak tengah at first...akaka!! i bought the drummet at Giant nearby..just a few minutes by motorbike... to the point....before i bought the drummet, i asked val.."mcm mna mau msk ni nnti?"..then she reply.."kita pakai oven la..klu tia buli periuk kn ada..kta goreng la..akaka!!"..

then, i go to buy the drummet............................................................

in the kitchen.................
after i bought the drummet, i put about 6 pieces directly into the oven in a container...<==i asked val how many to cook....

then, i cooked the drummet like i never did before..<==my first time cooking fried chicken using microwave oven....akaka!!

i simply push the auto heat button..<==written chichken...then i was shocked because it took 24 minutes!!hmm....then, we wait la!~~

only then, after the drummet cooked......we were ready to eat la....the first bite...."KKRRRROOOOOPPP!!!"..the drummet was really really really "crunchy"!!akaka!!....then we laughed like hell!!akakakakaka!!!.."punya karas itu ayam..kering suda isi isi dia..akaka!!"..but, lapar punya pasal....makan sha la...ngee~~

then, we think the name of the drummet~~biskut ayam la..ntah!sa lupa sda...actually, we mimic auntie mala..<==caretaker of this place...she also use the same method to fried chicken what!!akaka!!...but, the result was nice...but not for us...its dry!~~all the assence of the drummet was carried out by the oil.........

hmm...really really fascinating experience right?!akaka!!

orang tue2 kate...pengalaman mengajar kite....ngee~~akakaka!!

tha't all for tonight!!

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hmmmm....last thursday was my most memorable incident happened in my school. do you ever heard teacher "mogok" to students? am i going to say this...believe it or not!morning session teachers "mogok" to 4s1 students..!~~the incidents happened early in the morning..just in the first period..i dont quite remember what was the first subject..but, the point is that teacher really really mad to those gilrs~that is because of their bad manners!they talkinh all the time in the class..dont matter in what class..talllkkkiiiiiinnnngg all the time..i think only in principle's class they dont have the brave to talk in her class..she is a really strick principle..

then the next period...right after the second period i think..was PA first, the lesson going well...until.........some group of students do not participate in any games!..they talking at the side of the field....talking again..PA teacher really mad..he scolded them and told them to go back in their group...the teacher said to me.."nasib baik xde pengawas dlm tu..klu ade, sy srh pengetua lucutkn jawatan dia time tu jgk!" you can tell how mad he was?..he is reeeaaaaallllyyy mad...honestly..

next..right after the PA class....hehe~~history lesson...this time..they made the teacher mad again!..why??!!taaaaaalllkiiiiiiiiiiiingg all the time!the teacher said, "klu 2 3 org bsembang x, separuh kls besembang..especially group yg d blakang tu.."..then, she leave the class...she couldn't stand it anymore..she told them she would never teach them again..the students feels bad................

teacher did not enter the class for the whole day..this time, teachers really couldnt stand students ego...teachers said.."diorg rase dh pandai sgt..tu la diorg xmau dgr ap yg di ajar tu..."..hmmm...its true actually..some are really good..really good in chemistry though..she is the most active girl in my class..who she is? dato' siti...biarlah rahsia.....

actually, they are also talking in my class...but, how i make them shut?i smash wooden ruler on a table and shout!..."WOI!.."...then, they will stop talking....this happened last week..just before the teachers mogok to them...they are really noisy..just before i started the lab..i asked them to stop talking...but, negative........then, i shouted!"WOI!..DO U WANTS ME TO TREAT YOU LIKE GUYS??!"...then, they answered..."no sir...".."then, silence...dont make me angry...."....uUuUuU~~me, myself dont even believe what i was saying..akaka!!but, it worked...

this time..they really learned their mistake..they write letters to each teacher who teach them..for all subject teachers......including teacher said to me.."this is the first time students write us an apologies letter..i wants to keep this as a proove..."..haha!!funny....but, yes! its true...

ok la..thats all..actually, a lot more to write over here...but..i have limited time....hehe~~c u next time!

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RAS: Rakan Alam Sekitar i'm going to tell you, Kluang YB been here to lead the ceremony of planting trees in my school..waaa!~~there are a lots lots of Meranti to be planted in the whole school in Kluang, but the highlight here school is the selected school to be the program lounching avenue. hehe~~so proud! this is my second involement in school big activities..last time, camping and this time tanam pokok!akaka!~~afterwards, closing ceremony of CO2 climate change here involving form four students and one of the lecturer from USM. my school participate the campaign of climate change..together save our beloved earth..<==buat2 sendri py ayat....ngee~~

the program was started at 815 in the morning. before that, all form fur students did some "gotong-royong"..<==dunno the word in english!akaka!!shame on me.....dush!tumbuk muka sendiri....but the gotong royong started at 730 in the morning...just before the ceremony started. the involvement from other schools give more color to the audience, otherwise, all the audience are GIRLS!!akaka!~~funny thing when one students ask me..."are u a student here?"...akaka!!<==ketawa i look like a student?plus..this is a girl school.does he have no idea?..ngee....ala..dia budak skolah agama la...may be its forgivable...then, we talked while he is waiting for their Meranti...ngee~~then, when he went student asked.."sir, is that your brother?"..akaka!!this school is full with "surprises"!~~some simple question makes me wanna lough like hell!~~akaka!!then i replied...NO la...he is a boy from some other school..<==i forgot his school name actually...ngee~~

haa!~~i remember 1 know what...the principle tegor me about my t-shirt today...she said that my t-shirt is only suitable for going know what!actually, i'm wearing my Koir club t-shirt! said again, this t-shirt is suitable for style and not appropriate for school palak ku mikey!~~akaka!~~than, i have a thought...may be because of the colour of the's GREEN!..BRIGHT GREEN!~~akaka!!...and with some decoration at the bottom of it and "malam mutiara seni" written at the back of it...hmm....

now, at staff room.....a teacher asked..."muse, bdk yg sembang dgn awak td mcm adik awak la.."..i replied, "ye ke?".."ha ah.."..then, i have no idea to reply her, i said "mgkn sbb kulit sme2 gelap kot..."..then we both laugh!akaka!!..<==mcm2...i sat at my table for a tired you know~~then, i changed my shirt..i walked in the rain....luckily not heavy rain...i changed to sky blue-stripes SEED and SODA pattern jeans...ngee~~and a vase...akaka!melaram giler ari nih!!no la..because the attire is a little off size..then i wear the vase...then, its a rainy a bit cold in the staff room...ngee~~!<==alasan!akaka!~~..

in the staff room, i checked mail..and i was suprise!~~i got emel from vemmabuilder..."Your Succesline Knows No Bounds"..means that i have PE already!!~~yahoo0o0!~~i was very happy to read the, i've got 6 Pre-Enrolle....hehe~~hopefully, i'll manage to get PM (paid member) by friday..otherwise, no payment for this week...(T.T).....<==sama2 pray k!~~ngee...

i surf the internet most of the time i'm in the staff room, actually...friendster (once in a while)... but, most of the time, i open my mailbox, facebook, and myvemma......just to obtain any new update...

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ehem ehem!!~~<==click me

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the story begins....cheh~~akakak!!

as i said before, i'm a practical student od, i'm attending my practical at SMK Convent, Kluang...Yesterday my advisor really trying to kill me..<==literally...she is Pn Rohana, one of the lecturer in my faculty..practical stidents suppose to be observed during their practical session..but, the point is...most of the lecturer tell their students that he/she wants to come over to obser them!in my case...she don't tell us that she' about to come on that day!OMG! mya friends and i really really's ok with me because i'm teaching morning session...but those two other girls are teaching afternoon session...unfortunately, she came in the afternoon..akaka!!lucky my but poor them..

yesterday, she only manage to observe one practical teacher (Kak Tila..<==teaching KH)..lucky Kak Iema...i can tell from their face that noth of them were really scared that day..that's because on that day both of them planning to do practical class for the students..

today's story was different..i really really really thought that i will be observed today!! and then, i prepared all lesson plan and the slide show carefully..i allign both lesson plan and the slide show so that they are sequence...only that i might get A in my practical..i prepared teaching aids with cartoons, motion, and video, and i even plug in my broadband to the laboratory desktop just to bring something new to the table...i planned to show the students some pictures from the internet and extra information for their understanding...yeah..just like i said..she did'nt came by today...........(T.T)

then i asked both of them..<==kak iema and kak tila.."knp pn rohana x dtg observe ari ni?"...then kak ima said..."kan ak dh gtau yg dia xdpt dtg ari ni....dia kte dia sebok..klas dia full ari ni..."..hmmm...may be i misheard some information...iyalah!!i was sleeping when she called me...akaka!!mamai kte org...and she said to e that posibbly she will come on thursday...but, she wants us to submit ROS on the same day!OMG!!i have'nt finish it yet~!!the report is in progress...i've done it around 80% complete...a lot more works to do actually..luckily i have no class for tomorrow...then i can continue it tomorrow morning during school session..akaka!!

tonight i just updating my blog and looking around~~^^

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!Ten Things You Can Do to Help Curb Global Warming
Responsible Choices
The choices we make and the products we buy test our commitment to maintain a healthy planet. When we burn fossil fuels—such as oil, coal, and natural gas—to run our cars and light our homes, we pump carbon dioxide (CO2) into the air. This thickens the heat-trapping blanket that surrounds the planet, causing global warming.
Choosing modern technology can reduce our use of fossil fuels and help protect the planet. These ten steps will help curb global warming, save you money, and create a safer environment for the future.

1.Drive SmartResponsible Choices
The choices we make and the products we buy test our commitment to maintain a healthy planet. When we burn fossil fuels—such as oil, coal, and natural gas—to run our cars and light our homes, we pump carbon dioxide (CO2) into the air. This thickens the heat-trapping blanket that surrounds the planet, causing global warming.

Choosing modern technology can reduce our use of fossil fuels and hep protect the planet. These ten steps will help curb global warming, save you money, and create a safer environment for the future.

oneDrive Smart!
A well-tuned car with properly inflated tires burns less gasoline—cutting pollution and saving you money at the pump. If you have two cars, drive the one with better gas mileage whenever possible. Better yet, skip the drive and take public transit, walk, or bicycle when you can.

oneBuy Local and Organic
Did you know the average American meal travels more than 1,500 miles from the farm to your plate? Think of all the energy wasted and pollution added to the atmosphere—not to mention all the pesticides and chemicals used to grow most produce! So go to your local organic farmer to get your fruits and veggies.

oneSupport clean, renewable energy.
Renewable energy solutions, such as wind and solar power, can reduce our reliance on coal-burning power plants, the largest source of global warming pollution in the United States. Call your local utility and sign up for renewable energy. If they don't offer it, ask them why not?

Also, support a national renewable electricity standard (RES). The Energy Bill signed in 2007 lacked key components that address our energy security and global warming emissions: a renewable electricity standard of 15 percent by 2020 and a tax package that will provide investment incentives for clean energy alternatives. Use our action center to urge your members of congress to support the renewable electricity standard and tax package!

oneReplace incandescent light bulbs with compact fluorescent bulbs.
Especially those that burn the longest each day. Compact fluorescents produce the same amount of light as normal bulbs, but use about a quarter of the electricity and last ten times as long. Each switch you make helps clean the air today, curb global warming, and save you money on your electricity bill.

oneSaving energy at home is good for the environment and for your wallet.
Start with caulking and weather-stripping on doorways and windows. Then adjust your thermostat and start saving. For each degree you lower your thermostat in the winter, you can cut your energy bills by three percent. Finally, ask your utility company to do a free energy audit of your home to show you how to save even more money.

oneBecome a smart water consumer.
Install low-flow showerheads and faucets and you'll use half the water without decreasing performance. Then turn your hot water heater down to 120°F and see hot-water costs go down by as much as 50 percent.

oneBuy energy-efficient electronics and appliances.
Replacing an old refrigerator or an air conditioner with an energy-efficient model will save you money on your electricity bill and cut global warming pollution. Look for the Energy Star label on new appliances or visit their website to find the most energy-efficient products.

onePlant a Tree, protect a forest.
Protecting forests is a big step on the road to curbing global warming. Trees "breathe in" carbon dioxide, but slash-and-burn farming practices, intensive livestock production, and logging have destroyed 90 percent of the native forests in the United States. And you can take action in your own backyard—planting shade trees around your house will absorb CO2, and slash your summer air-conditioning bills.

oneReduce! Reuse! Recycle!
Producing new paper, glass, and metal products from recycled materials saves 70 to 90 percent of the energy and pollution, including CO2, that would result if the product came from virgin materials. Recycling a stack of newspapers only four feet high will save a good-sized tree. Please... buy recycled products!

oneMount a local campaign against global warming.
Educate your community about how it can cut global warming pollution. Support measures at the national, state, and local level that:

  • Make automobiles go further on a gallon of gas;
  • Accelerate the use of clean, renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind;
  • Increase energy efficiency and conservation; and
  • Preserve forests around the world.A well-tuned car with properly inflated tires burns less gasoline—cutting pollution and saving you money at the pump. If you have two cars, drive the one with better gas mileage whenever possible. Better yet, skip the drive and take public transit, walk, or bicycle when you can.

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